
zentai fun

as a zentai fan, do you like to go out in zentai with your zentai friends? i know that some people are shy, they just love to wear zentai suits at home. but i believe that many people will like to wear zentai suits with a lot of people together. there is a zentai group, they like to have fun at outside in their zentai suits, and now they all are wearing the lycra zentai suits at outside. i am sure that they had a great zentai day, although we couldn't see their faces at all.
indeed, for most of zentai wearers, the most interesting part to wear zentai is to be anonymous, so when they are in zentai, people would be really curious about them. and they could easily be the spotlight no matter where they are. and even one common thing for them, it would be interesting when they are in zentai. i guess that you won't know the feeling unless you have a try by yourself.

